Orchestra:3333 4331 timp, 4 perc, harp, strings
Chamber ensemble: 1111 1000 1 perc (optional), piano
Both versions: Mezzo, Ten, Bar, Bass, SATB chorus
The baritone names “Wine” as the strongest; the bass names “The King”; and the tenor, “Women,” each supported by one of the instrumental choirs. But each of these is found wanting. They all come together in a finale that declares Truth the mightiest. The chorus acts as a Grand Jury, questioning, disputing and helping the narrator (mezzo-soprano) tell the story.
“ of pomp and splendor”
— American Choral Review
“...a lovely ray of that makes you smile, that gives an audience a lift.”
— San Francisco Examiner
“...immensely skillful...the flamboyance of Belshazzar’s Feast.”
— Oakland Tribune